Stacey Morrison

Stacey Morrison (Kāi Tahu: Ngāti Irakehu, Te Arawa)  

Stacey is always happy to return to Dunedin, having started her full-time working career at Taylormade productions and Kids TV as a teenager. Stacey began learning te reo Māori as a young adult with support from her iwi through Kotahi Mano kāika, which is why she always aims to return to Kura reo at ōtākou with her whānau. Stacey and her husband Scotty co-wrote Māori at Home and Māori made fun, her latest book My first words about Tikanga Māori is her third, after My first words in Māori and Kia kaha with Jeremy Sherlock, which won NZ Booklover’s Best Children’s Book and a Storylines Notable Non-fiction award. 


Liz Breslin